Handbags are a very personal decision for many women and most will have a collection of purses and handbags. To encourage sales and repeat business, Econoco recommends that retailers include our Retail Handbag Display Racks. We offer two versions-satin chrome with adjustable straight and slanted arms with cantilevered hooks to display bags individually and to facilitate shoppers removing your inventory for closer examination. Available with 8-arms and constructed from either square or rectangular tubing, the racks are most effective when placed near a mirror. Econoco's Handbag Racks have a total of eight (8) arms with five (5) hooks on each arm. The rack is constructed from½"X1½" tubing. Our racks include four (4) twist-on arms with hooks to create two tiers. Each arm measures 16" long. and adjusts every 3" from 48" to 72". One of the adjustable arms has a threaded opening at top to add a sign holder. Additionally, the base includes adjustable levelers. For great retail fixture options to help upsell your patrons as well as to assist you to fulfill your merchandising display requirements, we invite you to call our representatives at (800) 645-7032 today.