Econoco's Super Duty Perimeter Hardware Imperial Line Faceouts allow retailers to fully merchandise their wall space to showcase additional inventory. These faceouts are economical too while eliminating the need for additional rounders or merchandisers. Choose from 12" and 14" long chrome faceouts, or an attractive, 16" long, 7-ball, highly polished chrome waterfall faceout to accommodate up to 7 garments on hangers. In addition, these faceouts are self-attaching and do not require hardware or tools to install or remove. Econoco recommends that you keep a supply on hand for quick changeovers when new inventory arrives as well as to allow for fast selling-floor refreshes. Our representatives will be glad to answer any questions you may have about any of our thousands of retail display products, systems, and solutions. Call us today at (800) 645-7032.